Ice Cream with Scotch and Coffee

We were having dinner with my parents, sister and nephew tonight. I just love having this family time. We only get together a few times a year and it’s usually only once a year when every single one of us gets together. So I really cherish these moments. When I’m in the kitchen pulling the last details together and Levi is helping with whatever I need. Mom is fussing over whatever is bugging her in that moment. Dad is trying to take professional photographs of the baby while he eats leftover Mac and cheese. The dogs are waiting ever hopeful for a dropped morsel. My sister is just trying to keep the kid alive and happy. I just look around and I am so grateful for these moments.

For dessert my mom decided to bring over some vanilla ice cream and of course my dad brought over the good Scotch. So after a wonderful dinner of French dip subs and potato salad we were hanging out and my mom went to get a bowl of ice cream and my dad, Levi and myself were pouring a bit of apres dinner scotch. My parents can’t quite remember when or where they heard about this, but the conversation turned to a dessert they read about and had to try: Ice cream with scotch and topped with coffee grounds. That’s right. Coffee grounds.

Sounds completely terrible right?!?! That’s what I thought, but curiosity got the best of me and I decided that it sounded so terrible I just to try it.

And now this one of my favorite desserts and we will be indulging on the regs. The smooth scotch with a creamy ice cream tastes so indulgent and the coffee grounds add a totally new layer of flavor that cuts through the sweetness. The grounds soften up a little bit so your aren’t just chewing on grainy ice cream.

Ready for this super complicated set up? Here we go:


  • 3 scoops French Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 1 tsp Coffee grounds ( we used Folgers Vanilla Blend)
  • 2 oz Scotch (we used Johnny Walker Black Label

Add your scoops into your favorite bowl, sprinkle coffee grounds on top and pour scotch around the edges.

I swear if you give this a try you will not regret it!

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